Thursday, May 17, 2012

In GREAT Company

        To those of you who don't know me, hold tight to your seats cuz you're about to. I love to write and was thinking. are a few thoughts :D

        When I was younger, I could be surrounded by people and still feel as if no one understood me. I could walk the halls of school with hundreds of my closest friends and allies walking at my side and feel the empty, hollowness; the throbbing sore known as loneliness. Maybe it was hormones or the misfit mindset, but there were moments when despair would set in for no reason. Here I was, more privileged than so many of my acquaintances, and yet I felt I had something to be sad about. Looking back, I realize that those ebbing sorrows were like blinders over my eyes, making me forget that I had cheerleaders all along my sidelines. But unfortunately, as we grow bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, we lose track of what’s important. Just like the rabbit who is constantly trying to thwart the turtle’s progress in his race, we seem to be more and more willing to sabotage one another. Why??? What the heck? Do we not realize that we are ALL here at the SAME time running the SAME race?? FOR THE SAME REASON? With my own past as a reference, isn’t it somewhat humorous that I thought I was the only one struggling? The only one who struggled ever? To those of  you who have the “Sorrow Syndrome” wake up! You are not alone!!
       Obviously, we will not be surrounded by people at every moment in our live and no, we will not all have the same experiences. In fact, in most of our moments when we learn or do things that bring about the most meaning, we are by ourselves, learning unique lessons. But in every aspect of our lives, no matter how easy or hard a journey we have, we’re all here for the same reason. We all have trials, we all have strengths, we will all have ups and downs. While we may be in different seats, we’re all riding the same roller coaster. Yes, some people may find themselves the unfortunate soul who gets blasted with the queasy person’s puke or the lucky person right in front, but the truth is that we all swallow a few flies on the journey. To think another’s life is without pain is to be completely blind to anyone but ourselves. We need to realize that the race is not against each other. We need to band together and carry those who can’t walk across the finish line. Those who are so wrapped up in winning miss out on the beauty along the way to the finish line.  
Think about it: If you woke up today thinking that you are the only one who hurts, the only one in the whole world who thinks they feel the way you do, you are wrong. I get that you think your pain is big and consumes your heart right now, but don’t let it cloud your vision. When you really stop and ponder, you’ll realize you’ve never been alone. We’ve always had one Being watching over us, walking alongside us. You feel Him in your lowest moment, you hear His voice telling you not to give up even on the steepest climb, and you know He’s catching your tears when you cry. You are not alone. We may never had someone mortal standing beside us, watching and experiencing with us every single move or choice we make in this life, but He has been there the entire time, watching, waiting to stretch out His hand. Most importantly, He patiently stands waiting for you to open the door He put between you and Him to empower your agency.            Don’t let fear of being alone cause you to close the curtains and shut Him out. Invite Him in and let Him heal your pain. Realize that He is the light behind a stranger’s smile, the heart behind a hug, the happiness and joy in a child’s innocent answer to your prayer. He hears you and is aware of who and where you are. He is your cheerleader, the coach’s voice distinctly heard over the roar of a wild crowd. He will lead you, He will carry you, He knows you. He will not abandon you.
       To those of you who read this and say, “this has never happened to me, I’ve never felt like that,” then you’ve missed the point. You have in some way. You are just like us and we are just like you. Strong, beautiful, uniquely flawed and in great company.


  1. I loved reading this Brooklin! Not only are you a brilliant writer, but I am learning this lesson in such a deep way right now. We just moved to Las Vegas for a summer internship and long story short it's been a very hard move for me. Now I know that moving for a job is not even anywhere close to the hardest or most difficult thing happening in the world right now. I know that and I take comfort in knowing that. But what has struck me the most is how many people I have met out here and back home who, as my situation came up in conversation, had been in a very similar situation! Many had lived with their in laws, just like me, or had moved somewhere temporarily for the summer or had been in law school and knew about the trials and struggles. How wonderful right!? They have all offered comfort, friendship, prayers and advice. I still miss home like crazy but I love the lessons I am learning from this experience. Thanks for sharing sweet girl!

  2. Brooklyn I can totally relate to the way you were feeling in high school. I was the same way. You are right though, I needed to get over myself a little bit. This is very well written! And really helps me put things into perspective. Thanks!
